Five Strategies To Help You Get Up Early

Five strategies to help you get up early

You may have heard the expression “Morning has gold in its mouth”. It is true that people who get up early in the morning have a greater tendency to achieve their goals during the day. In this article, we will give you some strategies for getting up early.

Keep in mind that it is a battle fought on two fronts to get up early. The first thing you need to do is prepare your body; the second thing you need to do is wake up a sleeping mind. We therefore recommend that you create a routine that focuses on organization and foresight. Preparing for certain things before going to bed, such as the next day’s lunch, can help you.

According to a study by the University of Toronto and the Rotman Research Institute in Canada, people who get up earlier are both happier and healthier. The study found that those who got up earlier were healthier and happier with their lives than the night owls. The reason for this is that it is easier for them to adapt to life’s natural circadian rhythm.

So in addition to using your discipline and your willpower, we suggest that you implement the following strategies to be able to get up early.

Getting up early is not just a mental struggle. There is also a physical component: rest. It is therefore not only the quality of sleep that is important, but also the quantity. Therefore, make sure you go to bed on time instead of staying awake. Also think about your diet and your exercise. If you stay in shape, it will be easier for you to establish good sleeping habits.

Woman sleeping in bed.

One of the biggest obstacles that prevents people from sleeping, in addition to not producing enough melatonin, is that the mind is too active. Some people have such active minds that they have to distract themselves. They play music, listen to the radio or watch TV until they fall asleep.

You need time to relax and let your clouds of worry lighten. One way you can do this is by reading. You may think you do not have enough time to read after a long day, but do not worry. After reading for 20 minutes, you will notice that you feel more tired.

If the only thing you have planned for this morning is to take a shower and go straight to the office, it’s no wonder you are not motivated to get out of bed. What you do in the morning should be fun for you, because otherwise we really understand why you think it is a better option to stay in bed.

We recommend that you make a list. Write down the things you want to do the next day. Things like running, watching your favorite series, meeting your family, etc. Setting some goals can make it easier to get out of bed.

If you really want to change the time you get up, do it gradually. Start by getting up 15 minutes earlier than usual for two days. Then try to get up even earlier. Realistic goals make you feel like you are achieving something. You do what you set out to do and you are on the path to success.

Learn to get up early.

What happens before you go to bed will determine the quality of sleep you get. We therefore recommend that you stop doing certain small things. This will help you get up easier.

  • Do not exercise for three hours at bedtime.
  • No caffeine after 2pm.
  • Do not use electronic devices 30 minutes before bedtime. Do not drink alcohol before bedtime.
  • Have dinner at least two hours before you go to bed.

Over time, the body will easily adapt to getting up early. It will soon be natural for you and you will not have to work as hard. If you use these strategies, you will be able to get up on time.

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