Life Does Not Have To Be Perfect To Be Amazing

Life does not have to be perfect to be amazing

Many people are in the habit of demanding a lot of life as well as of themselves. You set goals and different dreams that you want to achieve. And this is not only good, but also necessary. You feel that you need commitments in both the short and the long run to feel satisfied with yourself.

Life does not have to be perfect to be amazing. This is easy to say but… Do you really know? Or, try to still anxiety achieve that perfection. Do not worry, because in this article we will give you a new perspective on the matter.

Those who seek perfection in life

Girl in the woods

To always seek perfection is often counterproductive. You develop many abilities, but at the same time you do not appreciate the small things in life.

Sometimes you hear people complain and say “everything bad happens to me”, “for others everything goes well and for me everything goes bad”… This type of expression and emotion has always existed and will always continue to exist. Before you start talking in this way, however, you should think about the following:

  • Joy does not exist in perfection. No one can guarantee their happiness, their beauty or their health.
  • Life is measured in moments. One should be open to reality, to the magic and the simple details that surround us.

It has not gone as well at work as I hoped. I have thought that I am not good enough for anything, and that everything is going badly in life. But now I have begun to think that if one door closes, six others will open, and I will fight for them.

  • The one who seeks a perfect life will try to fly to reach the universe while he or she loses every day the amazing that is at his or her feet.
  • There is another aspect that we should keep in mind: the one who always tries to have a perfect life will also override his loved ones to achieve this goal.
  • He who struggles to have a perfect life ignores everything else and loses much of his happiness.

Life is fantastic for anyone who learns to appreciate it

Couple in snowfall

And you… Do you appreciate all the amazing things around you every day? Sometimes this can be difficult because you are busy with things, but you should still try not to ruin the magic of life.

Many people find it difficult to discover and appreciate the little things in everyday life:

  • That light that lights up every morning
  • That sound when a family member gets up to have breakfast with you in peace and quiet
  • A hand that strokes your shoulder
  • The sound of your children
  • To sit down and read a book
  • Your health that allows you to come and go, run, sleep, swim, love…
  • That weekend on the couch with your pet
  • The smell of wet soil after the rain

Life is moments that occur during each day. It is a language of its own with its own rhythm that not everyone can appreciate, because there are those who set too high goals.

Couple with balloons

Life is fantastic even when it’s not perfect, and if it were perfect you would never learn from your mistakes.

Photos by Pascal Campion and Nancy Zhang.

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