7 Tips For Breaking Up With A Friend

7 tips for breaking up with a friend

Not all friendships last forever, and just like when we end a love affair , it can be a painful experience to break up with a friend. Especially when it is a close friend that we consider to be an irreplaceable part of our lives.

With our acquaintances, what occurs is often a gradual gap that is created over time rather than a painful breakup. The damage caused by this type of absence is much less, and friendships tend to leave good memories and a mutual cordiality. You can nurture a friendship, but no matter how hard you try, you can not avoid the end of a friendship.

Here we will give you some tips on how you can break up with a friend in a less dramatic way and thus alleviate the pain.

Acknowledge your mistakes

We all make mistakes, and you are no exception. But what matters is that you recognize them.

There is nothing more frustrating than arguing with someone who never admits their mistakes. It is common for friends to let certain mistakes slip through even if they have hurt them, but this is an occasion when one should neither deny nor try to minimize these mistakes.

Is it really worth losing someone close because of one’s pride? At that point, it’s not about continuing to be friends, but rather about maintaining the good memories.



Admitting that you were wrong is a big step, but it tends to lose its charm if it is not followed by a sincere apology. It does not have to be something drastic. Sincerely apologize and avoid passive aggression or indirect hints of hostility.

Do not make assumptions

Focus on what’s really going on. Do not be tempted to assume things about the other person’s motives. Our assumptions are very often incorrect.

Have a little compassion

If the friendship is coming to an end because the other person has hurt you deeply, this tip may seem almost impossible to absorb. But remember that you have probably hurt someone else at some point and that does not mean you are a bad person.

Seashell in water

Do not project your uncertainties

It is very common for us to project our insecurities on other people without even noticing it. This is when we think our friend is thinking something he or she is not really doing. In reality, it is we who think so.

Avoid questions such as: “Is that what you think of me? That I’m a failure? ” Before you say that, you should analyze whether it is not really you who feels that way about yourself.

Do not bring up the past

It is important to focus on the present. Quarrel, feel bad or not, but only about ongoing events. Do not bring up things that are already in the past.

Do not involve anyone else

You may feel the need to talk to another friend and get them to back up your version of events, giving you the impression that your assessments of the other person are correct. However, we can do much more damage along the way than we think.

Do not force others to take a stand, because in the end you will only put yourself in bad days. Also, avoid spreading rumors. Remember that things are not always as they seem.

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