5 Things I Changed When I Started Taking Care Of Myself

5 things I changed when I started taking care of myself

The path to personal fulfillment and spiritual peace is difficult and sometimes extremely rugged. I experience and process so much that sometimes it seems completely impossible to be at peace with myself and my surroundings.

Sometimes painful situations help us to overcome personal and emotional stagnation, and only by going through the tumult can we reach the serenity on the other side.

Anyone who has struggled to become a better person has noticed that one of the best ways to achieve well-being is to simply take care of themselves. And it requires a series of wise decisions that will balance what we want and what we do not want in our lives.

There is nothing worse than making one’s life and personality subject to the constant approval of others. It is very easy for you to become a broken doll if you follow everything society says is best for you.

Your personality will never be fully integrated. It will be a construction of old ideas that have been forced on you, without you even asking yourself if the true meaning of these qualities is for your soul.

Girl and the sun

Listening to yourself, following your intuition, losing yourself on a path others say you should not take and at the end of this path find one of the most authentic parts of you, which you keep and decide to carry with you – it’s an achievement.

Yes, I chose to be a little hedonistic, and the end result was better than expected. Following this premise has only given me happiness and helped me avoid most of the bad vibes around me.

If you are not capable of indulging in the pleasures of life, then you should really ask yourself what life means to you and who has made you think so.

Fighting for what I want and for the people I love is a pleasure and a privilege.

Our society has forced on us the idea that everything that is worth something in life suggests sacrifice. But that word causes me a great deal of anxiety. I have replaced it with passion, perseverance and perseverance. The best things I have learned in life have come from a relaxed environment, a pleasant concentration on what I did because it was interesting. Working towards something we do not like is called stress. Working towards something we like is called passion.

In fact, I have observed that people who have chosen continuous sacrifice, the adoption of social dogmas, leaving everything unknown behind because it can be dangerous, have become people with gray, dull auras, frowns and cleaved tongues. I have begun to understand that my madness is more sensible than the rigid reason of others.

Girl on swan

When I lived to the letter and not in accordance with my feelings, my heart and my mind were hurt, and my soul found itself imprisoned. I started to get tired of this mediocre way of loving and feeling, and I decided to dive into a pool, even though it was empty. Sometimes I have received hard blows, while other times I have sailed away.

There is nothing worse in life than being afraid to experience a feeling as passionate as love. Thanks to the bangs I got, I still throw myself into empty pools, but with a technique that prevents me from getting serious bruises or wounds. However, I can get a laceration and a bump or two, but I forgive myself for that because there are no worse wounds than those that make you feel the emptiness of not daring to do anything at all.

Life gives us a limited amount of time to enjoy, so I do not intend to waste a single second trying to understand why some people have hurt me with their indifference, tried to humiliate me, betrayed or condemned me.

Three girls

From the moment I decided on it, the part of my life that has been dedicated to these useless and absurd pursuits has been emptied of bitterness, and is now available to be filled with everything that makes me happy – to be filled with all people who, despite their own setbacks on his journey, has never hurt me.

All I know now is a privilege I did not buy for money. It simply came to me when I started taking care of myself, and it really is a gift.

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