5 Reasons To Laugh More

5 reasons to laugh more

How do you feel when you laugh? Joy? Happiness? But do you laugh as much as you should? Our duties, toxic people in our lives, the problems of our everyday lives; they tend to reduce our smile.

You have probably heard at some point that laughter is the best medicine, that it solves everything. Do people exaggerate with this phrase? Not at all! Laughing helps us maintain our strength and self-esteem, and it helps us face adversity.

There are many studies that confirm this, so it is not a myth. Want to know why you should laugh more?

1. You free yourself from stress and anxiety

Couple on moped

Stress and anxiety is something that occurs every day. Sometimes it can even be that it seems strange if it has not happened, right? Constantly hurrying, passing times, achieving impossible goals… All this makes us come to a point where we feel we can do no more.

This is solved with a laugh. You can not free yourself from either stress or anxiety but you can reduce its impact on you. Laughing in certain situations will reduce your levels of stress and anxiety.

2. It improves your emotional health

Laughing has great psychological benefits for our emotional health. When we laugh, dopamine is released which gives us a feeling of joy.

It also releases serotonin which will help us feel calmer, eliminate stress and create a state of euphoria. All of this will relieve both physical and emotional pain. So try to laugh!

3. It promotes your blood vessels

Woman and moon

Although it can be hard to believe, a smile can be beneficial for our blood vessels. How is this possible? It’s very simple. When we laugh, our blood vessels dilate, which is beneficial for blood flow. This is something very important for anyone who is at risk for cardiovascular disease.

If you suffer from a heart problem, you should laugh more! Surround yourself with people who have a good sense of humor and who help you laugh naturally. Only natural laughter is beneficial for your cardiovascular health. Do not let your heart be affected by a lack of laughter.

4. It promotes the respiratory system

Laughter can also be beneficial for the airways. It is an easy way to regulate breathing and clear the lungs. How to do this? A large uncontrolled laugh improves heart rate and respiration. In this way, the oxygen supply will increase, which is very beneficial.

If you choose to laugh more, you can also remove “dirty” air from your lungs. This is good if, for example, you have been in an environment full of tobacco.

5. You become more attractive!

This last point probably catches your attention. Can you become more attractive by laughing more? Undoubtedly! You have probably noticed that the people who laugh very often have a great sense of humor. The attraction that one knows of these is the same as one can feel for those who have good self-confidence.

Laughing is also good for breaking the ice in uncomfortable situations. Remember that it is always good to be positive. This also opens doors to new opportunities that you may not have thought of before.

Woman with bag

If you are a person who laughs a lot, you have a big advantage in life! We all go through bad moments but we should never get rid of the laughter. Raise your self-esteem and surround yourself with positive people and you will see how you become happier. Laughter is an antidote to many problems that exist in your life.

Photos by Pascal Campion and Mariana Kalacheva.

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