5 Cornerstones That Can Neutralize A Narcissist

5 cornerstones that can neutralize a narcissist

It is not easy to neutralize a narcissist, as these people tend to be very charming and have great social support. Most of them have one or more lovable sides to their personality. They do not think of themselves as narcissists, but as magical persons.

Initially  , narcissists often make people admire them. This is obviously their greatest achievement. It can raise their egos enormously. From this point of view, if the ego is the point of reference for most people, it is even more so for narcissists.

Narcissists try to be relevant. It is common for them to be surrounded by people who adore them, which makes it considerably more difficult to neutralize a narcissist. You have to be determined and determined to do so. Let’s take a look at five cornerstones that can limit them.

Narcissistic people want others to say “yes” to every single requirement they have. Furthermore, they want the people around them to think in the same way as them. That others accept what they say or do is a way to control them. In this way, they have a lot of influence over others.

The word “no” is an excellent tool for neutralizing a narcissist. Not agreeing with them or distancing themselves from their ideas will damage the image they have of us. Narcissists seriously believe that others are silly and unable to see reality.

Dare to say no

Narcissistic people lie in different ways. Sometimes they exaggerate or diminish certain situations or people. At other times, they simply invent things to look good, depress others, or create fantasies that involve them.

If you talk to a narcissist and realize that he is lying,  do not hesitate to question what he is saying. Demand proof of what he claims. Express your arguments or doubts about the validity of the story. By doing so, he will understand that you are not willing to believe all his stories.

Whether explicit or implicit, narcissists are very motivated to  show that they are above others. It is common for them to try to make people realize that they know more, do things better, think more intelligently or have better performance than those around them.

It is good to remind them that they may be more skilled in certain areas, but that they are not superior. Tell them that everyone can be good in different areas if they practice. It’s okay that people are good at some things, but not as good at others.

Person on chessboard

The best way to neutralize a narcissist is  not to be afraid of her. These people want others to be insecure, just as they themselves are. They are very aware of other people’s weaknesses, so they can take advantage of them. They love to talk about people’s shortcomings to make them feel inferior.

Not accepting their attacks and taking their words lightly is a great way to show how fearless you are. Let them get angry, that’s not your problem. Not letting their attacks affect you neutralizes them. A narcissist does not know how to act against people she can not scare.

Narcissists always want to get away with everything. If they discuss a topic and realize that they are wrong, they will try to change the topic to avoid acknowledging that the other person is right. If they make an obvious mistake, they will do anything to draw attention to something else. They are usually very skilled at these manipulations.

If you happen to be close to someone, it is important that you train yourself to realize when they walk like the cat around hot porridge and try to confuse you. Redirect the conversation to what is actually important. Make the person understand that you are attentive and do not allow yourself to be manipulated.

No one has said that it is easy to neutralize a narcissist. It requires boldness and courage. But once you learn to do that, it will be impossible for them to manipulate you. The biggest problem with narcissistic people is that, even if they refuse to admit it, they  do not love themselves. They only exploit others. Do not give them the pleasure of falling into the trap of the narcissist!

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