4 Quotes From Carl Jung About Personal Growth

4 quotes from Carl Jung about personal growth

Talking about Carl Jung is not an easy task because some of his thoughts are deep and complex. With his ability to introspect, he was a shining light to other lost souls in the world, allowing them to find themselves and bring about personal growth.

He illuminated human knowledge and spoke honestly about the points he saw as necessary to dig deep into our own psychology. As a result, we have many great thoughts from Jung about personal growth.

Below we will discuss some of the ideas that Carl Jung formed. Ideas that often resonate like the mantra within us. Revolutionary ideas that, correctly interpreted, can be catalysts for change.

We all have desires, aspirations, motivations and a great potential to uncover. We often find ourselves in a life that is not suitable for us. Our inner being screams, but no one listens. It becomes uncomfortable and fights, but in the end accepts a fate that is different from what it sought.

Sometimes we live in a way that is not suitable for us. The lack of authenticity and truth towards ourselves takes away its right to body and mind. Living life in a fake way has consequences for the body, and the experiences will soon assume the task of showing you.

Again, projections improve our self-awareness. When we project, we create a chance to clearly see in someone else what we cannot see in ourselves. What we do not want to see… the paradox that we often can not recognize even in front of the mirror.

Projections can be made about the things we hate or love in others. But we do not see it within ourselves. When you realize that you are extremely annoyed about something that should never have made a difference to you, you should take a moment and think about whether it might be something you hate in yourself but do not accept.

It’s not about self-hatred – Jung did not want to go that far. It is about understanding our own dark sides and accepting them in order to change them. If not, we will always project on others what we do not accept in ourselves. And again, we are doomed to live a life of self-deception and fornication.

Look inward

All the lessons you will learn in life will be repeated until you succeed in learning and include them in the knowledge you have gathered about yourself and the world. There are so many times when you run into the same types of people who hurt you, but you keep throwing yourself into impossible tasks.

And how many times have you felt resistance to accepting your shadows? You collect them in a box you do not want to see. But they are still there, and the more you try to hide your nature, the stronger they will come to the surface. In an uncontrollable and unpredictable way because by covering them with a veil you give up that control.

Sad girl

How else should we know why she showed up…? If we do not sit down with these surprising guests and listen to them, we will never understand why they came. Emotions always appear for a specific purpose. Something must be seen, heard and accepted in order to change.

Living with our backs to ourselves will not do much for us. It will not take long for unpleasant and difficult-to-control emotions to appear. They are without a doubt statements that resonate within you. They all invite us to be reasonable, not to cover what is ours, to listen to what life says to us and not to turn our backs on it.

To respect ourselves and others without unfairly putting things on those who are not theirs. Thank you Carl Jung for the great legacy you have left. It helps us all with our personal growth. A process that never ends or ends.

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