4 Psychological Benefits Of Naps

4 psychological benefits of naps

Taking naps is something that many people engage in, usually after meals. After waking up early, we want to stay awake until the evening, and sometimes we need to take a nap. This charges our batteries so that we can keep going during the day in a productive way.

Despite this, many people refuse or avoid taking naps in the belief that they are “wasting time”. What they do not know is that napping in addition to recharging us also has many psychological benefits.

Want to learn about the psychological benefits of taking naps?

1. You become more alert

After a long morning at work, our productivity decreases. We think slower, we do not have as fast reflexes and we yawn. In short , we find ourselves in a stage of exhaustion that reduces our level of alertness.

Napping in hammock

In some professions it does not matter whether we are on the alert or not, while for example pilots and drivers must always be “fully awake”. A nap not only makes us more alert, but also more aware of our surroundings, which makes us more productive.

Can you imagine a soldier who is not alert? Or a teacher who can not focus? In these and many other situations, it is necessary to be on the alert, which is why naps should definitely be required.

2. It improves your memory

Sometimes we sleep poorly at night, which makes us more tired than we normally are. This will affect our memory, whether we like it or not. This is why a nice nap can make us more rested and provide benefits to our memory.

A nap will not only recharge our batteries, but also increase brain activity. But for this to happen, we must not be stingy with our naps. What do we mean by that?

It is normal to spend between 10-20 minutes on a nap. But sometimes our body needs more than this. It depends on the person and how difficult it is for them to sleep. In order for a noticeable difference in creativity to occur, we must sleep as much as we consider necessary for good rest. Will you give yourself this time?

3. It gives you a positive mood

Sleeping badly and being tired the next day can make us easily irritated. It is for this reason that a nap would be really good for us! If you notice that you are annoyed and that everything is bothering you, try taking a nap.

However, this is not all; a nap will make you more productive. You regain energy while the laziness that comes with fatigue disappears, which results in you becoming active and having a desire to work and “get things done”. A nice nap can be better for your productivity than a cup of coffee!

4. You get rid of stress

In addition to improving your mood, and thus making you more productive, a good nap will eliminate the stress you may be suffering from. We know that the best thing to do when faced with stress from work is to step aside, take a walk and create some distance, but sometimes this is not enough. Our mind does not stop thinking about work and we do not succeed in freeing ourselves from these thoughts. For this very reason , a nap can make you forget the stress that is attacking and blocking you.

Sleep charges the batteries

But what if you can not sleep? You should not get frustrated, step up and go back to your activities. Keep your eyes closed for a few minutes, even if you can not sleep. With this little gesture, you are already resting! Even if it does not seem like it, you reduce your anxiety and calm your nerves.

How is it for you – do you take naps?

If the answer is yes, we can only congratulate. Look at all the benefits of your memory and your productivity. If you have not yet started with this habit, maybe you should try it! As soon as you start to feel irritated, exhausted or lazy, take a nap! It will make you as productive as possible for the rest of the day.

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