3 Keys To Being More Spontaneous

3 keys to being more spontaneous

Spontaneity is the ability to be natural and sincere in your way of thinking and acting. It’s not about doing or saying original or ingenious things. It is simply a natural characteristic of those who are transparent and show themselves as they are, both in their behavior and in their words. Being more spontaneous is a sign of emotional well-being.

A spontaneous person is free from having to maintain an image, to pretend to be someone she is not. And he also has no problem when it comes to acknowledging his failures or weaknesses. To be spontaneous is to be natural, and a spontaneous person does not have to hide to show an improved version of himself.

Spontaneity is also an honorable virtue that helps in human relationships. When there are no hidden intentions, no indirect messages, everything is always easier. Because those who are spontaneous allow themselves to flow in all circumstances, and they create safe atmospheres and help us to be sincere thanks to their naturalness.

It is easy to be spontaneous if you have self-confidence and good self-esteem.  If a person on the other hand carries uncertainties and resistance to accepting something, it becomes a little more complicated to be spontaneous, but not impossible. If you want to increase your spontaneity to show yourself as natural and transparent, free from all forms of falsehood, you just need to read on and use the following keys.

You will not become more spontaneous if you do not learn to listen and trust your intuition. Paying attention to the little voice that wants to get you inclined to something or someone at certain specific times, for no reason at all, is important. What other better way is there to get to know yourself and get in touch with your personality?

Free woman watching sunset

Your intuition is a combination of perception, previous information and experience. It’s the first thing that comes to your mind. Before any judgment or values, accompanied by fear or false beliefs, emerge,

Even if it’s not easy to listen to your intuition because you are not used to it, do not give up. Try to trust yourself a little more. Stop trampling and let go of yourself. However, be very careful when it comes to the decisions and actions that involve significant risks. Sometimes it is also necessary to reflect on what can happen.

Leaving your comfort zone is a very positive decision that never goes wrong, but always results in great benefits (even if at first you may not experience it that way). One of the benefits is that it helps you to be more spontaneous. But the most important thing is that it will increase your self-confidence, which will make you believe more in yourself. It is in this way that your natural side emerges.

Stepping out of your comfort zone means doing things you would not normally do. Visit places you do not know, change your routine in any way, put the phone away for an afternoon. Just throw yourself into the unknown to leave the comfort behind you and continue to discover yourself in some way.

With adventures beyond your comfort zone, everything that makes you face your fears has a special value. You do not have to start with bungee jumping or skydiving. But simply decide to do something you have never done out of fear. For example, expressing your opinion in your group of friends instead of waiting for everyone else to talk and then saying the same thing as everyone else. Dare to face whatever fears you have!

One of the biggest obstacles to being spontaneous is having a strict and tight schedule. We may feel that we need to fill our schedule, so we organize it so that we do not have a single hour off. And if there is a gap somewhere, we quickly look for a way to fill it as soon as possible.

Spontaneous relaxation

The road to spontaneity begins with reorganizing our schedule. The first thing you should do is leave some free gaps and above all make sure that these are not filled with anything else. Every week you should also change the times you are free.

Another recommendation is to reflect on how important the commitments you have planned in really are. Is it possible to get rid of any of them? Can a certain task be delegated to another person? Is it possible to leave a whole day completely free? Initially, you may feel a little uncomfortable with this. But if you want to be more spontaneous, this will help you achieve it.

As you can see, we get the opportunity to be more spontaneous when we accept, listen to and take care of ourselves. In addition to strategies, the most important thing is that you work to appreciate and value yourself more as a person. What remains then is to sculpt yourself. If you affirm your own worth, the way you act will definitely be more spontaneous, even if it is not intentional. Do not forget this!

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