27 Phrases To Remember During Difficult Times

27 phrases to remember during difficult times

Sometimes we experience difficult times where it seems that life does not show us any mercy. It simply does not stop beating us down and we lose all the strength we need to continue. It feels useless to try to do things right because everything goes wrong anyway.

It is in these difficult times that we logically lose heart. We really try not to sink, but the intense waves take us down into the depths and we begin to swallow more and more water.

There is no doubt that it is incredibly difficult to stay strong during difficult times, but if you have a steady ship, you can get through the journey even in rough seas.

There are times when outside support, professional or personal, is vital for us to be able to maintain our emotional health despite the difficulties we encounter in daily life. However, no one can help us if we do not help ourselves from a place where no one can reach us: our thoughts.

Hard times

For this reason , we have today put together a list of 27 phrases that you should remember in difficult times, so that you can regain the desire to continue sailing until the storm subsides.

1. “I have missed more than 9000 chances in my career. I have lost almost 300 matches. I have been trusted to take the winning shot and I have missed 26 times. I have failed again and again in my life. And that’s why I succeeded. ” Michael Jordan

2. Let your smile change the world but do not let the world change your smile.

3. “Do what you can with what you have where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt

4. The happiness of living is to always have something to do, someone to love and something to hope for.

5. “Blessed is he who expects nothing , for he will never be disappointed.” – Jonathan Swift

6. “Experience is the toughest teacher. It gives the test first and the lesson afterwards. ” – Unknown


7. If the day does not smile at you, smile at it.

8. “You’ll be happy,” said the life. ” But first I will make you strong.”

9. “Laugh, the world will laugh with you; cry and you will cry alone. ” – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

10. “Do not let yesterday consume too much of this day.” – Will Rogers

11. “Do not give up, you still have a lot of time to stretch and start again, accept your shadows, bury your fears, free yourself from your burdens, fly again.” – Mario Benedetti

12. “Do not give up, this is the way life is; continue your journey, follow your dreams, make time roll, move the debris and uncover the sky. ” – Mario Benedetti

13. “Do not give up, please do not bend down, even if the cold burns, even if the fear bites, even if the sun goes down and the wind dies down. There is still fire in your soul, there is still life in your dreams. ” – Mario Benedetti

Sun and moon

14. “There are no wounds that time can not heal. So open the doors, remove the locks, abandon the walls that have protected you, live life and accept the challenge. ” – Mario Benedetti

15. Losing a battle does not mean you have lost the war. Every day is a struggle; our goal is victory.

16. Let us take the train that will take us to happiness.

17. Happiness is within yourself; if you can find it you will make others happy.

18. Happiness is a temporary state of insanity. Happiness is something born of the heart; you can not buy it.

19. Real losers in life are not those who try and fail, but those who fail to try.

20. “It is not your conditions that shape you; that’s how you react to the conditions. ” – Anne Ortlund


21. “We can not direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails.” – Unknown

22. “The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.” – Abraham Lincoln

23. “Life is not about having good cards, but playing the ones you have well.” – Josh Billings

24. “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the sea would be smaller if that drop was missed. ” – Mother Teresa

25. “Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not urge us to have them. ” – John Updike

26. “, belongs to,. ”-  Bill Keane

27. “Our greatest honor is not to never fall, but to rise every time we fall.” – Confucius

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